4th Annual Golf Outing
June 7, 2025
Hampshire Country Club
Thank you to all of our sponsors for 2024!
To become a sponsor, please click the link below to complete the online registration for our Golf Outing.
Checks & completed paperwork can also be mailed to us at P.O. Box 238, Dowagiac, MI 49047.
To register your team, please click the link below for our online registration. Thank you!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please complete sponsor registration by Friday, May 16, 2025 to be included in all printed materials. Thank you!
Presenting Sponsor $2,500+
Golf provided for 8 players in the tournament.
Company banner displayed at tournament.
Acknowledgement in event program & all marketing correspondence.
Recognition at event.
Logo recognition on website.
Sponsor Spotlight feature on our social media.
Major Sponsor $1,000
Golf provided for 4 players in the tournament.
Company banner displayed at tournament.
Acknowledgement in event program.
Recognition at event.
Logo recognition on website.
Sponsor Spotlight feature on our social media.
Snack Sponsor $500
Signage at snack station.
Acknowledgement in event program.
Recognition at event.
Logo recognition on website.
Sponsor Spotlight feature on our social media.
Activity Sponsor $250
Signage at activity site/hole.
Acknowledgement in event program.
Sponsor Spotlight feature on our social media.
Activity Sponsor Options:
Closest to the Pin - Female
Closest to the Pin - Male
Longest Drive - Female
Longest Drive - Male
Tee Sponsor $200
Signage at the tee.
Acknowledgement in event program.
Sponsor Spotlight feature on our social media.
Agenda for golfers
on June 7
7 A.M. - Registration & Check-in
8 A.M. - Shotgun Start
10 A.M. - 12 P.M. - Lunch
(Base Bowls will cater our lunch, including hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, pasta salad, chips, and potato salad.)
Prizes will be awarded for:
1st, 2nd, & 3rd place teams
Closest to the Pin (Female)
Closest to the Pin (Male)
Longest Drive (Female)
Longest Drive (Male)